
Archive for the ‘What’s Going On?’ Category

 “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: For our vines have tender grapes.”
                         ~Song of Solomon, 2:15 KJV

Tragically, on August 9, 2014, around 12pm, Michael Brown, an unarmed African American teenager while allegedly begging for his life with hands in the air, the universal sign of surrender, was shot multiple times until he was dead by Darren Wilson, a local police officer of European origin in Ferguson, Missouri. Only 18 years of age, Michael had recently graduated from high school with immediate plans to attend college and later start his own business; thus, a promising fruit on the vine of society destined to blossom and improve life for all.

What follows afterwards seems hopeless, at first, given the ever-increasing incidents of alleged “police brutality” against African American males in their prime that usually ends with vilifying the victim and exonerating the offending police officer. Yet, hope soon looms large on this dismal horizon, as the people have had enough! And the vigorous, collective protesting has begun. Thus, things are about to change in this regard and all for the best, like it or not.

Unlike Trayvon Martin, another doomed teenager, age 17, who, on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, FL, while walking alone one dark and rainy evening was stalked then later shot and killed by George Zimmerman, a wannabe cop passing as the neighborhood watch, Michael Brown was walking with a friend at high noon. Thankfully, his friend, Dorian Johnson, not only survived this traumatic event, but is now a federal witness.

Moreover, there are at least two other creditable witnesses, with more coming forward, who basically are saying the same thing, which makes it very difficult for a reasonable person to overlook. Though systemic racism is trying hard, as usual, to exploit society’s dark beliefs and obscure the facts. Still, such historic conditioning can only last for so long…as the force of truth will not be ignored forever, and that’s a fact!

Where Are Our Peacemakers?

Actually, back in the day, police officers were also called Peace Officers. Despite it all these days, most police officers, who are also trained to operate on a high plane of reason, are really quite good at their jobs. And thus work hard at keeping us, the public, safe. Sometime ago while suffering the painfully loud music of an inconsiderate neighbor…who, by the way, was of European origin…I had to rely heavily on my city’s police department to restore the peace as our transitioning landlord just was not helping that much.

Convincing the police to empathize with my little predicament, however, was not easy at first. After all, they had more important things to do, like catch the bad guys. And I understood that, but I too had to survive. So, after politely rejecting their attempts to convince me that loud music in apartments was normal nowadays, I threaten to go to the press. In turn, they politely gave me their names, badge numbers and sergeant’s telephone number. The ensuing conversation with their sergeant was, of course, perfect. Sgt R was professional without being cold and stuffy, and friendly without being false and condescending; thus, we talked a good half-hour and he kept his word and followed up with me the next day.

“Keep Talking to Them.”

Thereafter, with the police’s help things always calmed down. Since the noise did not permanently abate I had to call the police often. Yet they always came out and cheerfully helped. And so, in the process, I learned how highly trained the police actually were in quietly restoring the peace. Thus, whenever I called the PD, even to ask more questions, I always felt a deep sense of peace after hanging up. Eventually, I moved; thus a happy ending at last.

Yet, I never will forget what one of the responding officers told me after my explaining how difficult it was to get the apartment manager to act, which he had agreed was the owner’s responsibility. It was a potent message that simply said: “Keep talking to them.” This resonated within me deeply as I knew immediately that this message was from a higher place of truth and forgiveness. I would use this advice quite often in difficult times.

Sadly Today, Instead of our Peace Officers, the “Little Foxes” Seem to Abound.

Revered by Judaism and Islamic scholarship, the above Scripture and the entire Song of Solomon is an allegory extolling the bliss of God found only in direct communion with our True Self. The “tender grapes,” reminiscent of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the great Sufi poet, c.1048-1122, represents the peace or bliss of God. While “the little foxes” seem to suggest our stolen peace by the little foxes of anger and hatred festering in our own minds and hearts. And so we must change.

As I see it, if we are to believe the key eyewitness Dorian Johnson, which our justice system usually accepts, as do I absent any future surprises to the contrary that likely will not happen, Officer Darren Wilson had a choice when he approached the two young men in question.

Instead of allegedly telling them to “get the f–k” out of the street and later putting his hands on someone else’s child, thus approaching them with anger and a total disrespect for their humanity, he simply could have told them to get out of the street or parked his cruiser and talked to them peacefully. As neither Michael nor Dorian were suspects of anything other than walking in the street instead of on the sidewalk. Yet, Officer Wilson didn’t, though he knew or should have known to make a better choice in that moment. Tragically, the rest is history.

And the obvious question concerning Officer Wilson’s deadly actions remains: Who or what was he really angry at and why did he let the little foxes of anger and hatred residing within him get the best of him? The best being that in which to allow him to be the Peace Officer that he was or should have been trained to be. Though Officer Wilson may never answer this resounding question publicly, he will one day either in this life or the next as we are all eternal beings.

Document! Document! Document!

After all is said and done, the wake-up call is clear and the community is ready to make definitive changes, and so we move forward. Sure to deter police harassment, a national database of police officer’s offenses is needed. This has to include the offending officer’s name, badge number and, of course, the date, time and place of the incident.

Shortly before his death in 1895, Frederick Douglass was asked what advice he would give to a young African American. He wisely answered: Agitate! Agitate! Agitate! In the Frederick Douglass tradition, I respectfully submit my best advice based on my life experiences as an African American woman on my own path to personal freedom and self discovery.

Thus in hard times where I felt my personal freedom or dignity was about to be oppressed, usually by an important authority figure such as my employer, a landlord, or even the police, my first line of defense was to first either tell that person or somebody and then, if necessary, document, document, document! This has always worked for me and will work in the collective defense against police harassment or worse.

Having heard personal stories of police harassment of African American males over the years, some very hurtful, I have always thought if only these incidents could be documented and kept in a national database for quick reference as future evidence if needed. Well, today’s technology can now supply that need and at minimal cost it seems. Imagine the bad cops who continue to harass and bully people just because they think they can get away with it and usually do. No one likes to be written up, so to speak.  Mainly those who know how damaging that can be in a court of law, particularly documentation of repeat offenses.

And so today, let the documenting of police harassment and brutality begin and stored in a national database. No longer do African Americans have to remain a victim of police harassment, thus: Document! Document! Document! And so our democracy evolves.

© Delores L. Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post 2012-2014. All rights reserved.

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 “Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ.”

 ~ A Course in Miracles

At present, viewer interest in zombies, vampires, werewolves and other such terrifying images seemly abound on primetime television and in our theatres these days. Unlike the scary movies of yesteryear where evil was clearly delineated and ultimately destroyed, today’s fearsome creatures not only look human but some are imbued with the ability to fall in love and create lasting relationships. How strange is that? Or is it!

Ever wonder what our fascination with the macabre really is about? Or why we are frightened of such and avoid it like the plague? Or why we are sometimes drawn to such imagery?

Of course, most of us generally find the supernatural quite entertaining, a pause from our daily routine and nothing much more. For many, make-believe fear can be a lot of fun as long as it is contained in a scary movie, a thrilling carnival ride or during Halloween. And so we brush it off at the end of it.

Yet, for those of us who are more sensitive, inquisitive or intuitively believe in the supernatural, a scary movie tends to haunt us long after the show is over. And so we anxiously begin to wonder.

So begins that which oft-turns out to be a lifelong search for the truth. Yet, we are far from recognizing the initiation of this ancient quest at the moment. If we are anxious enough and become dedicated enough, we are ultimately led to discern the truth from illusions and the real learning begins. Once open to truth, though not yet proficient with it, sometimes a person will walk up with a strange message, one you will hear and even accept but let it register far in the recesses of your mind.

Stranger at an Art Show

Years ago, while suffering from, yet another, unrequited love interest, one day a stranger at an exclusive art show I was attending walks up to me and begins addressing my situation, though rather indirectly. Recently, I had written my love ideal a heartfelt letter seeking his attention and understanding. Sadly, the letter was on its way containing his very heartless answer. I would receive it the next day.

Of course, such communiqué would have sent me spiraling into depression. Thus, having to take a sick day off work to mope around watching classic romantic movies on television or go on a mad shopping spree. Well, this did not happen! Owing, no doubt, to this strange conversation and the unusual person talking to me, thankfully I was saved from such devastation though deeply hurt nonetheless.

Besides being one of the artists whose work was on display, my messenger was also psychic but never said so. He then proceeds to give me a reading though it didn’t seem like it. Given that this event was held on a Sunday afternoon in a fashionable home offering a lovely buffet, with plates of good food and champagne flutes in hand we chatted comfortably. Among other things he said something that rarely surfaces for me, probably because it’s difficult to narrate.

Nonetheless, I’ll try. Basically, he said that the people we see walking around are not really as they seem; that our outer bodies are merely a casing. That inside this casing we bounce as we walk and look quite different, some even look like monsters or strange animals and others more angelic… It would take me years of learning to understand how to apply his message.

A Business Associate’s Recent Betrayal

Some say that our most difficult relationships often teach us our greatest lessons. This is basic a truth and I have found that the clarity always appears after I practice forgiveness. I have been avoiding this person for months and really hoped not to see her. Of course, we have a business contract, so we have to see each other occasionally. The other day I decided to give her a friendly hug. After feeling the warm vibration through her hand resting gently on my back, I resolved that she could not be as bad as I thought.

Wrong! Girlfriend screwed up again.

Feeling hurt and betrayed, I became angrier at myself for opening my heart to this person, again, and trusting her again to do the right thing without a lot of hassle! Sadly, I had to realize that I just cannot trust this person, which hurt. So I began wrestling with exactly how I am supposed to relate to this person in my heart and mind.

Being a very passionate person, I’ve finally learned how being angry at others actually hurts me deeply. So I don’t do that anymore, which is not always easy but I manage. Knowing that this is a very angry person who projects her deeply held anger when she can and obviously not willing to change her ways after being told, here again I wonder about having to be on guard, withhold my humanity or kind thoughts about her. These questions kept haunting me.

Finally I Really Get It

While this person is incapable of a sustainable affection for others, she, as with most narcissists, according to the experts, can appear warm and compassionate at times. As long as it is in her best interest, that is! Thus, it is best to expect nothing from her! And yes, do be on guard when dealing with her. This is okay. This is not hating but accepting how this person behaves and treat accordingly. Yes God loves her but remains silent owing to the misuse of her free will.

Ultimately we learn that those who love God, feels it and gladly shares it with others. While those who willfully reject God’s love secretly fear God and the love He shares with all of us. Herein is the real difference. And so, those who allow anger and hatred to fester in their hearts ultimately block God’s Love and the living joy it truly brings.

The Zombies Among Us

Simply put, the zombies among us are those dead to the living joy within them. Actually, they look quite normal. Some are average people like our colleagues, our managers and supervisors at work, our so-called friends and such; while others are prominent people and even politicians in our government, whose inner characteristics range from acute selfishness and greed to unbridled contempt for humanity. With no respect for the truth, they will lie and cheat at the drop of a hat, and even steal from their own grandmother. Yet life and love is ever near.

According to A Course in Miracles, only love is real. Thus love never hurts, which has to mean that it is what we have made of love that truly hurts us.

In truth, it is the lack of love flowing through our minds and hearts that is the lot of the miserable. This, in reality, translates to the indolent known as zombies, the insatiable known as vampires, and the vicious known as werewolves who walk this earth wanting yet dead to the love and joy within. Which is a divine gift meant to give life, a life more abundant than ever before.

And so we are each destined to awaken to the Eternal Life within us. And so it is. Keep the faith.

2012-2013 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

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Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear, only love can do that. Hatred paralyzes life, love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life, love illumines it.  ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

While things have positively changed in our country, still, the spirit of fear and hatred continues to challenge our efforts to advance and, most importantly, to hold onto the American dream. Though Dr. King spoke great words of faith in his visionary “I Have a Dream” speech some fifty years ago, for me the above haunting words concerning the “disease of fear” in his sermon titled, Antidotes for Fear, remain very instructive.

Seems as long as we are on the planet, fear is ever near, often challenging us all. Yet, with faith and self-discipline we can overcome the disease of fear and continue to progress.

Though, at times, we may seem to be going backwards, we are actually moving forward as long as we don’t give up on our faith or give in to the bitter voices of fear and confusion bombarding our airwaves daily. Modern day propaganda? You betcha! As some fear-mongers like to say.

As a defense against the fear mongers back then, perhaps this is why Dr. King and his fellow Civil Rights marchers held so dearly these inspiring Negro spirituals that most of them grew up on: We Shall Overcome and I Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around.

Today, as I sing those poignant songs during moments of tribute, in particular, I can’t help but weep with pride and joy as visions of Dr. King, Coretta Scott-King and many other great Americans of the 60s march across my mind in strict resolve, which ultimately caused many Americans to give up their fears and change.

Giving up Fear is Key to Progress

Since, as Dr. King aptly states that hatred, a congealed form of fear, paralyzes life then it only stands to reason that the giving up of fear is the key to progressing in life for our self and our country as well. Of course, this not only takes much effort initially, but a made-up mind and heart as well.

Yet, when we start living without fear we find how much easier it is to love others, even if we don’t always accept or understand their ways. Ultimately, we find this positive state of being much happier than living in a state of lack paralyzed by fear and hatred.

It is then that we start making better life choices and truly begin to progress. As we see evidence of more progress in our lives, we also begin to value others in the process and seek ways of keeping positive relations with them.

Eventually, we learn the value of forgiveness and to let go of negative thoughts and feelings. Finally, sustainable love is released in our life, which is a sure sign of progress, and we move forward with a better life purpose.

Confusion quickly transforms to mirth or inner peace and dark despair to renewed hope. And the beat (life) goes on; yet, either we go with life or go against it. The choice, as always, is ours.

Why All Americans Must March

Unlike the 60s Civil Rights era where the focus was clear about defeating the fear driven Jim Crow laws that had paralyzed the upward mobility of African Americans and all women in particular since slavery, the focus is more nuanced now or, in most cases, simply in denial.

Though the need for the health, education and upward mobility is just as intense now as it was for most minorities in the 60s, the focus and the demographics have changed considerably.

Sadly today, now all Americans, but for the super wealthy, are in grave danger of losing access to the American Dream whether we care to admit it or not!

And the signs are chilling: The unrestrained love of guns and violence and the laws (or the lack thereof) that support such is outrageous and way out of control. Most of our important jobs have been outsourced while our food, clothing and other life essentials are virtually imported. Our school system is an international joke compared to other developed countries, while higher education is fast becoming out of reach for most.

Many of our divisive lawmakers have seemingly fallen prey to egocentric lunacy while still trying to run our government, and it just ain’t working!

Yet, we the people are not without hope.

Together we must march, plain and simple! To march on Washington is to make our presence known, that is if we truly want to save our democracy.

Saving Our Democracy Takes all Americans

In the 50s, after growing tired of centuries of suppression in their own country, African Americans came together, along with other reasonable Americans and world citizens, and ultimately formed what would become the Modern Civil Rights Movement, which changed history and our country for the better.

Today, all Americans are now being called upon to step up and save our democracy.

Too long have too many good Americans hid behind the wall of delusional racism, sexism, and, yes, even success-ism while virtually pursuing their own American dream and leaving the success of their government up to others.

Well, this “me” attitude has gone just about as far as it can go in a functional democracy. So “we the people” must change our focus now.

The New Civil Rights Movement

A new civil rights movement is sure if ‘we the people’ are to rid our government of systemic corruption and restore a fully functioning democracy.

As JFK (Pres. John Fitzgerald Kennedy) would say, the cause is just and the need is profound.

As LBJ (Pres. Lyndon Baines Johnson) would say: My fellow Americans, what the hell is wrong with you? Move your ass now! Vote the lying, greedy bastards out of your government and demand the democracy you deserve. You know who they are!

As Jimmy Carter (Pres. James Earl Carter) would reverently remind us, I still know how to run a clean election.

Let the New Civil Rights Movement comprised of all Americans begin now!

It’s time to march now, both in Spirit and at the ballot box, and so we must.

Do keep the faith! And may God bless our democracy.

© 2012-2013 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

Updated January 13, 2016

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“My heart is broken, my faith is not.” 

~attributed to Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s Dad

On Saturday 13 July 2013, George Zimmerman was found not guilty here and here of the murder charges against him for ultimately terrorizing and shooting Trayvon Benjamin Martin in the heart, an innocent, unarmed teenager simply trying to get home from the local store. Reasonable Americans everywhere were shocked and rightly troubled by the blatant miscarriage of justice in the  State of Florida that evening, while some wept openly in despair.

Reminiscent of the 60s Civil Rights era, with peaceful resolve thousands marched in New York City along with marchers in other major cities across our nation. Some marched way into the night. More of a tribute to the fallen teenager and the dignity of his grieving parents during their very public ordeal, such honor spoke volumes. And “the people say guilty” stated a pointed sign held by San Francisco activists.

So, What of the Elephant in the Room?

Having watched many of the trial proceedings and closing arguments for my own edification, I have come to one conclusion about the elephant in the room, a metaphor for the obvious, which, of course, was the ever looming specter of American Racism during the trial.

Sadly, America’s Legacy of Racism continues to haunt our daily lives and will unless and until it is truly seen for what it really is, an illusion created by greedy opportunists at the inception of our country to further their own self-interest, not ours.

Thus, American Racism has never been about us (“we the people”) but more about them, the corrupt power brokers who seek to exploit the rest of us for their own financial gain: first by manipulating our laws in plain view, and then by usurping our democracy in general.

Of course, there are good and noble Americans who are diligently striving towards a better quality of life for all Americans, and always have been, which has kept our country strong and prosperous. Yet, how long can this good fortune continue before exploited Americans (of all races) reach a boiling point and self-implode, thus taking America back to its foundation?

Has this happened before in advanced societies such as ours? Of course it has. Yet, some civilizations have managed to survive while others completely vanished into the abyss, leaving only remnants of a once powerful people behind. What made the difference? Do we dare inquire before reaching the proverbial precipice?

The Ongoing Denial of American Racism

Sadly, the trial and acquittal of George Zimmerman is but another glaring example of the denial of American Racism. Had the truth about racial profiling been allowed into this trial, things might have taken a better turn for us all.

Many legal analysts believe that the prosecution did not prove its case. That it did not present its own theory of the crime as did the defense, that it missed opportunities to object to the defense’s cross-examination tactics, that it should have better prepared its star-witness, that Florida’s law was much too convoluted, and so on. And, they are probably right!

Yet, given the ethnicity of the victim who was African American, the defendant passing for white, the largely all-white jury, law-enforcement’s strong resistance to arrest and charge the defendant, and nearly four centuries of racial profiling in this country, did the prosecution really stand a chance even if they had done everything right? I think not and here is why:

Binding the Elephant in the Room

First, the truth about “racial profiling” is virtually barred from trial discussion, which does not make sense and therefore seems that it should be against somebody’s rule of law.

Central to the prosecution’s case, the judge bars the use of the term “racial profiling”. Such occurs just days before opening remarks are to begin, which avows that Zimmerman targeted Trayvon Martin precisely because of his race and ultimately shot and killed him.

Defense attorney Mark O’Mara had moved to bar certain words stating that the term racial profiling would “infect” the jury, which is exactly what he would attempt to do during his closing arguments, and likely succeeded.

Rachel Jeantel, Witness for the Prosecution

A proud young woman, barely out of her teens, ultimately becomes a reluctant witness to her friend, Trayvon Martin’s last thoughts and feelings. For those of us who looked past her nervousness and saw her integrity and strength of character, she is our victor. For those blinded by their unbridled fears and bigotry, she would be their excuse to deny Trayvon’s story.

Detective Chris Serino

Hobbling along nonetheless, by affirming that he believed the defendant when asked by the defense attorney during his cross-examination, the state’s former lead detective on the case would ultimately blow another hole in the prosecution’s case, later verified by Juror B37 in an exclusive interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Monday July15.

Of course, Det. Serino had initially recommended that Zimmerman be arrested and charged with manslaughter but politics (or something like that) intervened. Thus, no charges were filed until public outrage demanded a trial and got it some forty-four days later. By then, heads had rolled. The chief of Police was fired and a black top-cop replaced him. Sadly Det. Serino, a veteran detective on the force who had diligently worked this case, was mysteriously demoted to street patrol in the process. How strange is that?

Zimmerman Never Reveals His True Identify to Trayvon

Until reading the transcript of Serino’s interview, Zimmerman’s failure to tell Trayvon who he was and why he was following him always troubled me. As secrecy was not his job!

During his initial arrest interview, both Det. Serino and Officer Singleton repeatedly asked Zimmerman why he never told Trayvon that he was the Neighborhood Watch Captain, thus there to help him. That he had two opportunities to identify himself as somebody who was actually not meaning to do him harm. But he didn’t.

Claiming it was not his job to reveal his identity, Zimmerman eventually admits to the inquiring officers that he was afraid, which, of course, always lies at the heart of terrorism. And likely why George Zimmerman terrorized Trayvon Martin, by mysteriously following him on a dark and rainy night, and ultimately shoots him in his heart, and kills him.

Did Defense Attorney Mark O’Mara Play the Fear Card?

Knowing that self-preservation is usually our strongest emotion, did Mark O’Mara attempt to “infect” the jury with fear in the form of a black intruder and thus make his half-white defendant their hero by default? I hope not.

Nonetheless, during his closing argument, whether intentional or unintentional, a women’s worst fear is likely revived in the minds of the all-female jury.

Two of Mark’s illustrations come to mind: A picture of Trayvon Martin bare to the waist, suggesting male sexuality. And a picture of Olivia Bertalan, whose compelling testimony of being burglarized by two black males while home is chilling despite their race; glad the police came in time, though her story is unrelated as Trayvon had nothing to do with it!

Given the history of racism in our country with all of its sneaky innuendos, together in the minds of the largely white all-female jury O’Mara’s illustrations could well have become reminiscent of DW Griffith’s 1915 racist-based film, Birth of a Nation, where the stereotypical black man is after the stereotypical damsel in distress. Farfetched? I doubt it.

Fear is a powerful force and seems O’Mara used it to his advantage, much like many fear-mongers today who seek to gain political control through subliminal fear which is gradually destroying the civility of our society. How scary is that!

Faith Trumps Fear Every Time

Fear knocked, faith answered…a Christian proverb.

Sadly, I held out hope for justice in this case until Saturday morning when it occurred to me that without faith, self-preservation usually trumps empathy for another. As the evidence pointed toward Zimmerman’s guilt, I had felt that it would be very difficult for any juror to deny Trayvon justice particularly after looking daily into the faces of his grieving parents all that time. But, it did not happen.

Sadly, with all the behind-the-scenes nepotism and such, and I believe there was plenty of that, George Zimmerman was also denied justice.

Had he stood his ground and told the truth, George Zimmerman likely would have gotten a year or so on manslaughter charges and nearly be out by now. Free to find respectful employment, free to walk his old neighborhood, free to make recompense to Trayvon’s family and free to move forward. But he didn’t.

Now poor Georgie is in hiding and his spiritual life is likely in a mess. How sad is that? Yet redemption is always near, but it can only be found in the Truth.

Meanwhile, Justice is still waiting in the wings. Peace to all.

Keep the Faith!

© 2012-2013 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

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Rachel Jeantel  gives her testimony to the prosecution during George Zimmerman’s trial in Seminole circuit court in Sanford, Fla. Wednesday, June 26, 2013. Zimmerman has been charged with second-degree murder for the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. (AP Photo/Orlando Sentinel, Jacob Langston, Pool)  (Credit: AP)

Just before Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, an established fact by Zimmerman himself, Rachel Jeantel and Trayvon were talking on the phone. It would be his last conversation with a friend and Rachel, destined to be a reluctant witness to his final thoughts.

For two grueling days (26 and 27 of June) Miss Rachel dutifully appears in court strong and well-groomed, ready to endure our country’s adversarial system. And ultimately surprises a whole bunch of people, mostly those white folks who were taken aback by a black-woman’s basic honesty and relentless courage in the face of adversity, which, of course, is our forte.

But wait; aren’t we suppose to be strong and confident on the witness stand regardless of our cultural background? Is that not what the law requires of us in court?

And aren’t the rest of us suppose to view all witnesses with objectivity and respect? But some didn’t. And herein lies the purpose of this little post.

Instead, wild accusations and debasing judgments abound on the media soon  thereafter, focusing on Rachel’s speech, her physicality, her seemingly lack of social skills and even her choice of dress (a pair of jeans…pleaze!).  And these very bad judgments were spoken by guest commentators no less, usually trial attorneys or journalists who are highly trained to be truthful and objective, thus presumed professionals.  But these weren’t.


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