
Archive for the ‘Racism’ Category

After serving the minimum nine years in a Las Vegas prison for armed robbery in 2007, O.J. Simpson is granted a parole. Yet, it is O.J.’s 1994 high-profile trial and acquittal of murder charges for the brutal deaths of his former wife Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ron Goldman that still stirs the imagination.

O.J. Simpson (right) with Attorney Malcolm LaVergne at his parole hearing on July 20, 2017  (Jason Bean-Pool/Getty Images)

At first, I was so sure that he was not guilty of such a horrendous crime. Then, there was the trial which was so messed up. With all the media circus, the racism, and police bungling of the evidence, it never did (or likely never will) clarify O.J.’s guilt or innocence one way or the other. Yet, here is where the wisdom of “beyond a reasonable doubt” advances our civilized society.

Still, there are two things that haunt me about my reactions to the O.J. Simpson drama. First, the look on the face of our young colleague (a White kid gently raised with good values) as he basically asked me and another African-American woman who was also certain that O.J. did not do it:

“Why can’t he possibly be guilty?”

Rob looked so pure and innocent asking this pointed question; I am still haunted by it. And now wish I would have been wiser then, and given him a better answer.

The next haunt about this case is the fact that all the sordid guilt (and lifestyle) was quickly assigned to O.J., particularly by those in the media. And you know what; he is still unevenly vilified, more so than ever.

In sharp contrast to the Michael Brown case and some of the other African-American victims (and their witnesses) who were readily vilified by the media’s talking-heads, not one discussion, as I recall, was made as to whether Nicole’s, peace be upon her, prior actions (bad or otherwise) could have contributed to hers and Ron’s brutal deaths.

Sadly, rumors and theories abound in certain sectors that this was a hit by a drug cartel, a drug deal gone bad for lack of money, etc. But never a peep by the media was uttered. Now, this possibility still angers me, knowing that some of the rich and famous uses more drugs than the entire continent of Africa, so to speak. And, many of the “haves” generally buy their personal “stash” from African-American drug dealers in the ‘hood, or so they say.

Of course, maintaining a squeaky-clean public image of White folks, despite the obvious realities screaming for a voice, has generally been the media’s top priority. Yet, a definitive change is on the horizon.

Today, my answer to Rob, my innocent young colleague, would simply be: Rob, I really don’t know whether O.J. did it or not. But it’s fun talking about it! And be at peace with that.

(Update 07/22/17)

Read also: “O.J. Simpson Wins Parole, Claiming He Has Led a ‘Conflict-Free Life’” by Richard Pérez-Peña, NY Times, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/20/us/oj-simpson-parole.html?smid=fb-share.

© 2017 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

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“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself…” ~Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt

First, to those who may be offended by the title of this post: please accept my deepest apologies, particularly to those fellow-Americans who have awakened to the realities of our Country’s greatest achievements and deepest faults. As both attributes are destined to follow us with every step we take. While our virtues can easily inspire us, it is the facing down of our deepest faults that ultimately make us strong. Do keep up the good work; your strength unites us all.

Though kept from the public at his insistence, when President Roosevelt uttered his famous words about a fear that can paralyze needed efforts, he was physically paralyzed from a bout with polio in 1921.  Sadly, he was unable to stand or walk without support, or excruciating pain. According to his son, his own arm would be in pain as his father grasped it tightly while resisting severe pain as he stood addressing large audiences.

Yet, despite his debilitating illness, FDR would go on to become one of our country’s greatest presidents that ushered it through the Great Depression, WWII, and back to prosperity with his “New Deal” programs. Though spoken nearly a Century ago, these enduring words from FDR’s 1933 Inaugural Address still speaks to us:

“This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Currently, with a President Trump in the Oval Office who is the antithesis of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt  in extraordinary courage, resilience, and a genuine respect for humanity, we Americans now have plenty to fear. Yet, we can’t afford to let fear stop us, which is FDR’s immortal message to us.

A few days ago, I get an email from a local candidate on Independence Day. I was okay with it until I read the following, and I quote:

“What I love most about this day, however, is the reminder that, from its very start, our country has been moving ever closer towards fulfilling the founders’ extraordinary claim that all of us are created equal. Our country’s history, which started as a bold experiment, has gone in fits and starts. Progress has never been a straight line, but with each generation we get closer to meeting that promise.”

Then I got pissed off.  First, I hate that stupid, baseless claim (often repeated) that our country started as a “bold experiment.”  What a bunch of crap!  Did not the early patriots fight and die for a greater vision of a happier life, as artfully expressed by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin?  Seems this person, a longtime member of our state legislature, was way too willy-nilly about all the pain and suffering, and terrible deaths, which many activists have endured in our country since its inception.

Sadly, the intense fight for both civil and equal rights continues. Many Americans still live in fear and poverty, simply because way too many of our elected representatives are too damn greedy, selfish, and down-right too stupid to really care about others, or their own country.

Yet, these backward individuals are the first to campaign claiming to help. But, once in office, they don’t!  And it really pisses me off.  After all, we Americans have a life to run, and thus don’t have the time to keep fighting the good fight, but we must.

That said, I decide to give Lady Candidate the benefit of the doubt. So, I took my precious time to write and share my perspective. I wanted to be helpful and not hurtful. Well, several days have passed, and I have yet to hear a peep from this candidate re my email to her. I even gave her references to my FaceBook posts and website, titled “Reading ‘What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?’ by Frederick Douglass”.  Hmm, now this makes you wonder.

So, is this person real, or is she a closet racist, or is she still bound by historic commands to keep the races separate lest she also be mistreated? Hence, the above title is really asking if America’s White folks still consider themselves privileged, considering all the suffering that the ill-begotten dreams of New World opportunists created so long ago, followed by the protests and the freedom marches still ongoing.

If so, then it’s time to wake up from the illusion of being privileged my little munchkins, albeit difficult. Otherwise my fellow White Americans, you are indeed slaves to a special fear, a fear inherited from birth that needs to be overcome rather than falsely cherished, a fear that was successfully exploited by presidential candidate Donald Trump (and Russia) in 2016!  Think about it.

Meanwhile, lest we not forget that behind the horrors of American slavery was fear, which sadly represents a severe state of lack for both the slave and the slave owner. Yet, today, we see a different kind of slave, though a slave nonetheless! Abundantly wealthy, usually wears a designer suit and likely a silk shirt and tie (made in China), he is both mentally poor and spiritually unawares.

Meet President Donald Trump, the New American Slave, a slave to his own fears. Wake up Donald and remember who you are, God loves you.

(11 July 2017: Added a few words)

President Donald Trump/ Fox News

President Donald Trump / Fox News

© 2017 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

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“I place the future in the Hands of God: Now are we saved indeed. For in God’s Hands we rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us. If we forget, we will be gently reassured… No longer is the world our enemy, for we have chosen that we be its friend.”   ~ A Course in Miracles (ACIM), Lesson 194

Ieshia Evans, a single mom, protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge on 07/09/2016. Jonathan Bachman/Reuters

Ieshia Evans, protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge July 2016. Jonathan Bachman/Reuters

Now gone viral on the Internet, this iconic photo of Ieshia Evans, a  young African American protester, and a single mom, calmly facing down two armed police officers in riot-gear, and fast approaching her, is a poignant reminder of my late Aunt Birdie’s wise resolve:

“No matter what, be calm in a storm.”

Having been born and raised in the Jim Crow South, Aunt Birdie had learned early on how to quietly summon her dignity and courage so as to get through the local marketplace in a super hostile society in the Deep South.  This, of course, is contrary to Hillary Clinton’s lame observation while speaking before the NAACP’s annual conference in Cincinnati Ohio recently that: “Many African-Americans fear the police.”

Most African Americans Don’t Routinely “Fear the Police”

No Hillary, most African Americans don’t routinely fear the police or anyone else for that matter!  We also have great respect for law and order.  Yet, much like you and other law-abiding citizens, we just don’t want to be shot and killed with impunity by an undisciplined police officer while peacefully going about our daily affairs.  Such are the hard facts still facing us today!

According to the article titled: ‘Graceful in the Lion’s Den’ Photo of Young Woman’s Arrest in Baton Rouge Goes Viral by Michael E. Miller, Ms Evans, a nurse, “Went to Baton Rouge because she wanted to look her son in the eyes to tell him she fought for his freedom and rights.”  She, and the other arrested protesters, was released within twenty-four hours.

Actually, our failure to correct undisciplined Police officers is society’s real problem.  Racism is but a symptom of a deeper ill in our society. When the right leadership comes into power, this too will be resolved. Meanwhile, election 2016 is underway.

Election 2016, Hillary Chooses Her V.P.

On Friday, July 22, Hillary Clinton announces her VP pick.  Needless to say I was very disappointed in her choice. And thus reminded why I have no confidence in her to make progressive decisions for our country. While she loves to tout that she is a progressive, I just don’t believe her, plain and simple.

There are two reasons why I can no longer support Hillary Clinton, though I reconsidered such after Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of her:

First, in my opinion, if Hillary was a true “progressive” she would have chosen Bernie Sanders as her running mate.  Actually, I thought that she would, given all of her posturing about being stronger “working together.”

The day of Bernie’s endorsement, Hillary states that there was much to do.  Given her smarts, I thought she would have taken advantage of Bernie’s drive, his historic ability to unite people and raise funds properly.  Moreover, Bernie’s organizing talents, goodness and wisdom would be a tremendous asset toward advancing our country, which would have made her a great president!  But, foolishly, she didn’t make that choice.

Next, her decision making has not changed. Seems Hillary Clinton is more about her own comfort, the optics, the money, and not about her sacred responsibility to We-the-people.  While in many respects, Sen. Kaine is likely a nice person. The fact that he is reputed to be an advocate for more bank deregulation is very troubling, to say the least!

According to this recent Huffington Post article titled, Tim Kaine Calls To Deregulate Banks As He Campaigns To Be Clinton’s VP by Zach Carter: “Kaine signed two letters on Monday urging federal regulators to go easy on banks ― one to help big banks dodge risk management rules, and another to help small banks avoid consumer protection standards.”  Seems a repeat of the same disastrous policies of the Bill Clinton administration that allegedly were Republican or Conservative initiatives is upon us once again.  Who are these people?  And why are they passing as Democrats, the party for the people?

Touting Sen. Kaine’s fluency in Spanish as a nod to the Latino community is a proverbial slap in the face, in my opinion.  How tacky is that?

Monday July 25, the Democratic Convention begins in Philadelphia.  Prayerfully hoping for the best in all respects.

A Note to Hillary Clinton

“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time (Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President).

Praying for you and our country, and so we place the future in the Hands of God, Amen!


© 2016 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

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“You cannot sell your soul, but you can sell your awareness of it.”  ~A Modern Adage

Big Sur, California’s Most Renowned Coastline (Photo Credit Unknown)

Big Sur, California’s Most Renowned Coastline (Photo Credit Unknown)

With all the natural beauty in the world that feeds our very soul, seeing someone abandon their soul for worldly gain is not pleasant to write about. Yet we must; if not for our self, at least for our children who deserve a president that will ensure the tone for their advancement.

It is not only a president’s policies that we should question, but we must also give pause to the president’s character. As such significantly influences the quality of life in our society and the world. According to the polls, we have two of the most hated candidates ever for president! Namely: Donald Trump, the GOP’s presumptive nominee, and Hillary Clinton, the current Democratic Primary frontrunner.

Meanwhile, making matters worse: Enters California Gov. Jerry Brown who endorses Hillary Clinton, a proven hypocrite that is still under investigation by the FBI concerning her dubious email usage while Secretary of State.

Gov. Jerry Brown and Fmr. President Bill Clinton’s Faustian Deal


Dr. Fausto by Jean Paul Laurens (Wikipedia/Public Domain)

The German legend of Faust (a factitious character) is about a thriving, yet very unhappy scholar who abandons his soul for worldly power. Having lost his awareness of true happiness, Faust descends into insatiable pleasures and corrupts his thinking in the process. Though the so-called devil is not real, but a personified symbol of bad Karma, henceforth it is told that Faust sold his soul to the devil. In Johann von Goethe’s classic play depicting the Faust legend (c.1802), Dr. Faust’s tormented soul is ultimately saved by true love.

Today, some well-established folks still make pacts with the so-called devil. However, it now appears that Gov. Jerry Brown and Fmr. President Bill Clinton made a Faustian deal with each other some years ago (as do others in politics unfortunately).

Despite their bitter history since 1992 when Jerry Brown and Bill Clinton exchanged heated insults during their opposing bids for president, in 2010 Fmr. President Bill Clinton endorses Jerry Brown’s bid for governor of California.

Fast forward to a few days before the 2016 California Democratic Primary, Jerry Brown and Bill Clinton meet at the governor’s mansion for over an hour to “talk politics”. Soon Gov. Brown endorses Hillary Clinton (Bill’s wife) who’s in a very close race with challenger Bernie Sanders. Thus, Hillary now begins a radical campaign in California.

In his ‘Open Letter to California Democrats and Independents’ Gov. Brown states he is, “Deeply impressed with how well Bernie Sanders has done.”

Yet, Gov. Brown also states that: “Hillary Clinton has convincingly made the case that she knows how to get things done and has the tenacity and skill to advance the Democratic agenda.” Sadly, this seems more rhetoric than fact! Exactly what Hillary Clinton has done that really helped humanity remains a big mystery.

In earlier debates, Hillary Clinton liked to mention that Miriam Wright Edelman, an attorney and founder of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), helped her career. Once saying: “You know, when I left law school, my first job was with the Children’s Defense Fund.”

Yet, as First Lady, Hillary advocated for welfare reform, upsetting her former colleagues at the CDF. Despite warnings by their senior officials that such would plunge over a million children into poverty, “the Clinton administration worked with Republicans to gut social services.”

(See in-depth article: “Hillary Clinton often boasts about helping children, but she betrayed them as First Lady,” Salon.com, Oct 2015.)

Seems the Clintons also betrayed their good friends, Miriam and her husband, Peter Edelman a legal scholar. Along with two other senior officials on welfare policy, Peter Edelman resigned from the Clinton administration relative to the 1996 scrapping of the welfare program. That also cut the classic, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (ADC), which was created by the Social Security Act under the New Deal.

The day it is signed, Miriam Wright Edelman releases this statement: “President Clinton’s signature on this pernicious bill makes a mockery of his pledge not to hurt children.”

Peter Edelman would later lament: “I have devoted the last 30-plus years to doing whatever I could to help in reducing poverty in America. I believe the recently enacted welfare bill goes in the opposite direction.”

In closing, the above Salon article states: “Today, over two decades later, Hillary Clinton’s policies remain conservative. She continues to sit at the right-wing of the Democratic Party. Clinton may have claimed in the debate that she is a Progressive, but her actions have long contradicted her words.”

Hillary Clinton Today

No significant change really. Sadly, Hillary Clinton’s refusal to honor a previously scheduled California debate with Bernie Sanders is not only an “insult” to California voters, who need to hear from their candidates on the issues, but speaks volumes to who she really is. Instead, Hillary attacks Donald Trump. Though it makes for a dramatic news cycle, the polls show that Bernie Sanders continues to defeat Donald Trump nationwide.

What is so sinister about Gov. Brown’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton and a clear betrayal of the people’s trust is that in reality, Mrs. Clinton is a terrible candidate. Her negatives are off the charts and her known disregard for the truth is abysmal.

Besides, the ongoing FBI investigation of her private email server as Sec of State, Hillary Clinton repeatedly lied about having approval for her private email server as if it were a widely accepted practice in the state department.

Even after the State Dept IG contradicts her boldface lies that private emails were allowed, Hillary continues the lie! After checking the key points in the IG’s published report, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski states: “I really don’t want to be the one delivering this, but I got to tell you, this is really hard to believe.  It feels like she’s lying straight out.”

Frankly, there ought to be a law against lawmakers lying to the public, particularly in order to gain votes! If they can’t respect the truth, how are they going to have the strength of character to uphold the truth and thus maintain order in our society?

A Quasi Monarchist Perhaps?

With life and limb for self-rule, devout insurgents defeated a powerful English monarch during the American Revolution. Thus, our U.S. presidency cannot be sold or inherited!

Yet, by hook or by crook, seems the Clintons have been running for president since Bill Clinton termed out. Having been married to a president and touted his policies (many a total disaster), seems the Clinton’s believe that Hillary Clinton, whether or not qualified, is entitled to be our president! Sadly, it appears they have convinced some well-liked democrats as well.

Of course, this is not only against the spirit of our U.S. Constitution but it also sets a dangerous course for a termed-out, treacherous president to sneak back into the Oval Office. Who, in a pinch, would surly sell his kingdom for a horse! A closet monarchist indeed.

Hence, there ought to be a law against a spouse being elected U.S. president after their husband (or wife) leaves office! Oh be careful America, be real careful here.

A Verified Bigot

Many are convinced that Donald Trump, the GOP’s presumptive nominee, is not only a potentially dangerous leader that must not be elected, but a proven bigot and liar as well.

Despite Donald Trump’s racist remarks about a sitting judge in charge of a personal law suit against him, the public’s protests at his campaign rallies (some violent), and his usual racists rants, well-liked Republicans are now falling in lockstep behind him. Including House Speaker Paul Ryan, who recently endorsed Donald Trump for president.

Of course, many Republicans have been running on fear and racial hatred for years. Thus, the GOP’s covert racism has now come full circle in the nefarious rise of Donald Trump!

Sadly, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have misused racism to sway voters in their favor. While Trump exploits racism to indulge racist voters, Clinton exploits racism to pander to racism’s victims. Sadder still, neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton’s actions (past or present) show a genuine regard for the advancement or the preservation of humanity.

Consequently, of this we can be sure: If either one of these imposters are elected (God forbid), there will be more of the same gridlock in Washington, or worse. Clearly, the signs are there!

Lest we not forget, Adolph Hitler also exploited bigotry in his rise to conquest and power!

Bernie Sanders: A Sincere Trailblazer

Thankfully we do have a choice in Election 2016. Thus, we no longer have to choose between “the lesser of two evils” as before.

One of the main concerns of our country’s Founders was to safeguard the balance of powers in our government. Without such, anarchy would surly follow, or worse.

Though Bernie Sanders’ sincere messages of peace, prosperity and justice for all is nothing new and is quite attainable with the right intention, seems “the establishment” (those in power) has lost its way. Yet, these are the very same principles upon which our country was found.

Thus, in this world, money alone cannot sustain us or matters of the heart. Yet, when we balance the needs of both mind and heart, not only can we sustain our great country, but we save the world in the process. Which way America?

Praises to Muhammad Ali “the Greatest” (1/17/1942–6/3/2016), Peace Be Upon Him.

Election 2016 Update: June 8th, Hillary Clinton took her victory lap last night, too bad it was won by nefarious means. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump would likely impede our country’s progress. Many are praying for the evolution of our country, a more advanced president. The struggle continues. Peace to all!

© Delores L. Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post 2012-2016. All rights reserved.

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“This above all: To thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man [woman, or child].” ~Wm Shakespeare, Hamlet Act One

Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower, Symbol of Spiritual Awakening


Today, with all the confusion wrought by our current presidential election campaigns, for those of us who traverse the less-travelled road to the Truth within us, and have realized it, the above truism from the Bard (“To thine own self be true…”) is forever inspiring.

To know the Truth within us is to know who we really are. Thus, we are loathe to relinquish the gift of Truth, which is of God!

Without the Truth we are nothing. Thus, destined to accept life’s illusions no matter how glorified or dismal it seems.

That is: Until we tire of the endless unhappiness that reliance on established illusions will surly bring, and seek the promise of our True Self that illuminates the world around us.

Of course, the Truth is forever calling to us. Perhaps this is why we ultimately hate those who insist upon lying to us. Particularly those seeking influence over our daily lives, this being tantamount to denying our highest purpose in life. Which is to join with other souls and extend real abundance (love) to all without spiritual cost to none.

Truth Illuminates, Lies Darken

To accept the Truth as our Inner Guide is to ultimately realize the value of true happiness and inner peace.

Hence: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ~Jesus the Christ (John: 8:32)

In the political realm where society’s laws are ultimately created, some woefully misguided Americans tend to scoff at the idea of a so-called “democratic socialist” daring to run for U.S. president with the realistic intent to restore our failing democracy.

Yet, lest we not forget: Truth illuminates the world, lies darken it. Hence, why thousands of people continue showing up at Bernie Sanders’ historic campaign rallies.

Are Hillary and the Donald of the Same Ilk?

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. (Justin Lane, Andrew Gombert, European Pressphoto Agency)

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. (Justin Lane, Andrew Gombert, European Pressphoto)

Having an obvious aversion to transparency (the truth), could it be that Hillary and the Donald have more in common than most of their ardent supporters care to think? Having the same purpose, could it be that they’re closer than the opposite sides of the same coin?

Arguably, most people tend to embellish or even obscure certain facts now and then. Yet, a truly honest and mature person not only values the truth, but actually hates lying.

While it is beyond the scope of this article to determine why some folks tend to avoid the truth; yet, based on their public demeanor, seems both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are afraid of the truth. As a result, they resist transparency like the plague, or so it appears.

Of course, the habitual need for secrecy is a dangerous attribute, particularly in a world leader!

With Donald Trump, his familiar bully persona and endless chatter seems to be his main defense against the truth. This was abundantly clear during the GOP primary debates where he delivered vicious insult after insult rather than truthfully answer questions posed by the moderator or his fellow debaters. Recently, his alleged retort concerning his tax rate (a forty-year tradition of presidential candidates) was: “none of your business!”

While Hillary Clinton’s dangerous obsession with secrecy is legendary: Consider the FBI”s current investigation of her secret email server as Sec of State, her refusal to produce transcripts of her lucrative Wall Street Speeches (from which reporters were barred), and the press’s ever shrinking access to her. Last April 24th on CNN’s Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter, here, a source stated with noticeable trepidation that:

“Clinton travels on her own plane. The reporters travel on a separate plane. They’re often spending the night in different cities. [And] fundraisers are completely closed to the media.” Clearly a departure from traditional campaigns: “To be able to have a conversation with a candidate on the plane going from one campaign to another, that doesn’t exist anymore,” lamented the source.

As to the Trump campaign, here, the reliable source basically says: “The reporters who cover [Trump] have very little access to him at all. And something that exists in the Trump campaign that isn’t the case with Clinton, is there’s almost a hostility toward the press. The reporters are kept in a pen, usually pretty far from the candidates. Often with police barricades around it.”

Sadly, seems Trump’s alleged hostility toward the press is typical of his defense against the truth. Yet, a bubbly Clintonesque persona can be just as hostile as an abrasive Trump persona. Hence, the mournful destruction of a mild-mannered con artist!

“The Year of the Hated”

Hatred (a deep sense of loss) can be a vital signal when properly seen as a warning sign. But, we must think and act wisely, then let it go (forgive) lest we be consumed by it.

Thankfully, despite the lack of objectivity that some reporters (though certainly not all) in the Media seem to exhibit during their political news coverage, the printed news media is still publishing good stories that are worthy of its time-honored profession. A profession our free society must surly rely on in order to be free.

Though some television reporters have generally mentioned the public’s disdain for certain presidential candidates, in this Washington Post article titled: “The year of the hated: Clinton and Trump, two intensely disliked candidates, begin their face-off” by David Weigel, posted May 8, we find an objective view of the public’s thoughts and feelings about the current presidential frontrunners, which is very insightful.

In general, though their unfavorable ratings are high, supporters of both Hillary and Trump seem totally oblivious to the sentiments of the rest of society. Yet, according to the Real Clear Politics averages: “Trump has an unfavorable rating of 65 percent. Clinton has 55 percent.”

Nonetheless, widely enabled (to the exclusion of others) by the Media he allegedly treats with contempt, Trump wins the Republican Indiana Primary, much to his apparent surprise.

His final challengers, Sen. Cruz of Texas and Gov. Kasich of Ohio, soon concede and Donald Trump becomes the “presumptive nominee” of the Republican Party. Though absent the usual fan-fare from the GOP establishment.

Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic Indiana Primary, and vows to continue until all voters in the remaining primaries have voted! In conclusion, the above Washington Post article (“The Year of the Hated…”) aptly notes:

“The socialist from Vermont was the only candidate for president not disliked by a majority of voters.” And so, the Democratic Primaries between Bernie and Hillary continues.

“Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil”

Lezley McSpadden and Neighbors, New York Times

A grieving Lezley McSpadden and Neighbors, New York Times

Those who hate lying usually hate being lied too, which is a form of self-preservation.

Lezley McSpadden begins her memoire by saying: “First off, I don’t tell lies because I can’t keep up with them. My grandmother always said, “Don’t lie. Tell the truth and shame the devil.” She then says: “Your word is what you still got when you don’t have any money.”

Lezley, Michael’s mother, has recently published a memoire titled, “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil: The Life, Legacy, and Love of My Son Michael Brown.”   Mike Mike, as she likes to call him, was an unarmed African-American teenager living in Ferguson Missouri who was shot multiple times by then police officer Darren Wilson on August 14, 2014.

Sadly, Darren Wilson has yet to be tried for Michael Brown’s murder. Truly, a missed opportunity to uphold justice in a society that is slowly declining for lack of criminal and economic justice, he likely won’t be tried in a criminal court.

Having discredited most of the eye witnesses, including Brown’s companion, an African American male who was with him when then Officer Wilson stopped them for walking in the street and ultimately shot Michael Brown to death, the Department of Justice decided not to indict Darren Wilson.

Hoping for some justice, a civil action is pending on behalf of Mike Brown’s aggrieved family. And the oft-painful quest for justice in our society continues.

President Obama and the BLM Movement

Having recently excused Secty Hillary Clinton’s secret email server as “carelessness” during an exclusive interview with Fox News last April, could it be that President Obama is actually a closeted Clinton supporter?

Sadly, President Obama, who seems a Hillary Clinton supporter more often than not, has directly or indirectly spoken out against advocates of the Black Lives Matter Movement (“BLM”) that once interrupted a fancy Hillary Clinton fundraiser much to her chagrin.

While he appears in favor of another devastating Clinton presidency (Heaven forbid!), President Obama seems to belittle the BLM Movement in the process.

Last April during a town hall type meeting with young people in London, Pres. Obama states among other things (see article “Obama Says Movements like Black Lives Matter Can’t ‘Just Keep on Yelling’” New York Times, April 24) that:

Once you’ve highlighted an issue and brought it to people’s attention and shined a spotlight, and elected officials or people who are in a position to start bringing about change are ready to sit down with you, then you can’t just keep on yelling at them,” Mr. Obama said.

On Saturday May 7 during “Obama’s Full Remarks At Howard University Commencement Ceremony,” published by Politico, the President rightly states:

“You see, change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program, and it requires organizing,” said President Obama.

Yet, even as we write and with all due respect to President Obama’s ongoing efforts to stop police brutality, according to glaring news reports daily: Black folks, in particular, are still being needlessly detained by unfair police officers (some downright psychotic), raped, cavity searched on the streets, shot multiple times with no chance of survival, and otherwise severely brutalized just because some officers feel they are above the law!

Lest we not forget: It was Hillary Clinton who coined the toxic phrase “superpredator” relative to mostly young Black males who were the target of her husband’s contentious 1994 Crime Bill, which she strongly advocated for. Sadly, this terrible law virtually gutted the humane education of prisoners, wrongly justified lucrative private prisons, and caused the mass incarceration of marginalized Black and Brown citizens that devastated families and communities, from which many are still reeling.

And while Clinton has seemly apologized for saying such, Hillary that is, Bill continues to explicitly justify the “superpredator” term, the Clintons are far from convincing rational voters that things would actually change if they get another chance as president, God forbid!

Mr. President, Sometimes We Just Have to Yell!

Albeit it “politically incorrect,” clearly the BLM is bent on reminding voters of the Clinton 1994 Crime Bill initiative that continues to fuel deadly police brutality towards African Americans in particular without stop. In short, they just don’t want to be killed by another psychotic police officer!

When, after all is said and done, and terrible things continue to remain the same: Well, Mr. Pres, sometimes we just have to yell. And we can’t much blame the BLM Movement for that.

Truth and Justice for all is always a possibility within reach. Thus, we must never be fooled or otherwise sidetracked by the naysayers.

And so the 2016 race for the White House and a More Perfect Union continues.

Free the Mind! Keep the Faith, and Vote Prayerfully!

© Delores L. Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post 2012-2016. All rights reserved.


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