
Archive for November, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving and stay blessed. Let us give thanks for the good that we receive and the freedom to reject the bad that show up in our lives from time to time.


© 2016 by Delores L Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post. All rights reserved.

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 Protesters marching to Trump Tower in Manhattan the night after the election. Yana Paskova/ New York Times

Protesters marching to Trump Tower in Manhattan the night after the election.  Yana Paskova/ New York Times

It was not a good win.  Repeating a racist oratory targeting the negative emotions of depressed Americans, Donald Trump poisoned the mind of many and managed to suppress the vote just enough to win. While Hillary Clinton has decidedly won the popular vote, Donald Trump has more electoral votes.  Sadly, Donald Trump is now considered our president-elect thus far. Yet, before we collectively proceed down that slippery slope of human denial, and start believing that a Donald Trump, who has revealed who he really is, would actually be good for our country, lest we not forget.

Adolph Hitler Was Also Elected!

Let us remember.  Of course, Donald Trump’s deceptive success is nothing new, thus nothing to congratulate in the spirit of politeness.

In 1933 during a depressed economy in Germany, Adolph Hitler was also elected by the people on a promise that Germany would again have: its place in the sun!   Remember him?  Yep, much like Donald Trump, or so it appears, Adolph Hitler was another glib con-artist who ignored the truth, tapped into the people’s despair, blamed others for Germany’s loss of power, successfully mesmerized a large following (whom he would control absolutely), and all under the dark illusion of advancing white supremacy.

Destined to nearly destroy Western civilization while virtually promising that Germany would, indeed, be great again: thankfully, Adolph Hitler and his sick government were destroyed by resolute, allied forces; but, oh, at what cost to human life and property!

Sadly, Adolph Hitler’s leadership and racially charged dogma not only started World War II but, in the process, the Nazi regime was responsible for the notorious internment and ultimate genocide of at least 5.5 million Jews and millions of other victims whom Hitler and his followers strategically deemed Untermenschen (“sub-humans”) and socially undesirable.  Moreover, untold millions of humanity either suffered profoundly or died violently during WWII, which is still considered among the deadliest conflicts in Modern History.

Today, with the seeds of extreme racism sprouting before us like weeds in a fertile field, those in power would well remember the rise and fall of Adolph Hitler and let not his horrific tragedy take root in America the beautiful.

Racism and the Insidious Southern Strategy

Before Hilter’s strategy to gain unrestrained power and rule his world, there existed the so-called Southern strategy here in the USA that dates back to the abolishment of slavery (c.1865) and the end of Reconstruction (c. 1877).  With the Modern Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, Jim Crow finally falls leaving Blacks free to vote.  And the so-called Southern Strategy emerges, a divisive tool initially used by deceptive politicians to gain political favor in the South by appealing to the racism inherent in many White voters.

Based on the ancient “divide and conquer” rule of warfare, the Southern Strategy is but a modern form of this ancient strategy that ironically feasts on the darkest illusion of white supremacy.

What is so divisive about this ancient method, when skillfully used in a thriving democracy, is that certain voters generally don’t see such as actual warfare against them rather than the opposition.  Their candidate’s insidious rhetoric gradually increases the momentum; they become confused, and ultimately rendered defenseless against it.

Sadly, at such times, this is why blocks of depressed voters either don’t vote or vote against their own interests (such as health, education and welfare, humanity’s basic need).   Being a crime against humanity, lying or otherwise deliberately misleading the public to gain votes should also be prosecuted.  But who’s to step up and protect the public?

Enters President-elect Donald Trump, and 1000s March in Protest

Seemingly the great white hope of depressed White folks (only), Trump wins the Republican primary, much to his apparent surprise.  Running on pure anger and racial resentment, the deceptive Southern Strategy works in the general election also, and Donald Trump becomes president-elect.  Much to everybody’s shock and dismay worldwide, including the loquacious Mr. Trump.

Eventually, Trump’s ardent supporters will wake up and realize they have been hoodwinked, bamboozled or just plain lied to in general.

Meanwhile, the day after, thousands of those who could see through Donald’s toxic rhetoric hit the streets protesting into the night.  According to news reports, universal protests continue.

See a thoughtful perspective by New York Times columnist David Brooks titled, The View from Trump Tower.

See, Anti-Trump Protests Simmer Across U.S., With New Focus: “Organizers in Manhattan carried signs in English and Spanish saying things like: ‘Hate won’t make us great,’ and chanted ‘We are here to stay.”’

Also see, Day Five of Anti-Trump Protests Continued in a Number of Cities, which notes that Sen. Corey Booker, while on Meet the Press, basically says he would not be talking to Chuck Todd on TV but not for our right to protest, and then says: “God bless the protestors.”

Finally, another article about the ongoing anti-Trump protests: Anti-Trump Protests Not Letting Up For Sixth Straight Day after Election.

Impeachment Predicted

Wishful thinking perhaps?  Nonetheless, this Washington Post article by Peter W. Stevenson is interesting: ‘Prediction’ Prof Allan Lichtman, who predicted that Donald Trump would barely win the election, later makes another prediction based on an educated hunch rather than data analysis and says among other things:

“They don’t want Trump as president, because they can’t control him. He’s unpredictable…  And I’m quite certain Trump will give someone grounds for impeachment, either by doing something that endangers national security or because it helps his pocketbook.”

Knowing the Donald, he probably would cause his own impeachment or resign given his well-known lack of self-discipline when challenged.

In David Brooks’ above cited column titled, The View from Trump Tower, the veteran journalist shared this observation concerning the likely impeachment or resignation of Donald Trump:

“Trump’s bigotry, dishonesty and promise-breaking will have to be denounced. We can’t go morally numb. But he needs to be replaced with a program that addresses the problems that fueled his ascent.  After all, the guy will probably resign or be impeached within a year. The future is closer than you think.”

Millions Petition the Electoral College

According to credible news reports, including this one titled: Millions Sign Petition Urging Electoral College to Elect Hillary Clinton, by Michael Walsh, Reporter for Yahoo News, many have renewed hope despite the odds. Though a long-shot, as such has yet to happen in American politics, there is always a chance given the bizarre outcome of this election season.  Americans and the world deserve a good U.S. president.  The Electoral College is set to vote on December 19.  And so we continue praying for our country.

My Humble Advice to Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the Rest

Given Hillary Clinton’s willingness to do the right thing and work extra hard to gain the necessary experience to offer her services and high intellect as president of the United States, I say hats off to this great woman of proven integrity who took the job seriously, endured years of the Republicans relentless attacks on her character, and yet, in the end, graciously conceded after unfairly losing the election.  Right now, it is America’s loss my dear Mrs. Clinton (not yours) and we miss hearing your eloquent command of the English language in particular.

My advice to you Hillary is simple: Forgive yourself, if you haven’t already, for any mistakes you think you may have made in the process and continue moving forward.  Thanks for hanging in there on our behalf.

“We Don’t Want to Go Back to Hate”

To Donald Trump, one day, hopefully before it’s too late, you will find that you really are not yet ready for the job of President of the United Sates that takes, among other things, the ability to be humbly guided by the willingness to do the right thing.  It takes a long, long time to realize the importance of this spiritual power, and that’s with deliberate effort on our part.  Donald you done wrong by exploiting hatred and racism in order to win votes, which disregarded the moral intent of our U.S. Constitution.

Hence, why thousands of anti-Trump protestors are still marching in the streets, poignantly saying: “We don’t want to go back to hate.”

My advice to you Donald is to first accept the fact that the adoration you so obviously need cannot be realized by a demanding spirit, and that’s just the way it is.  Next, the greatest thing that you can do to right this horrible wrong is to resign now, and let your opponent take her rightful place as our next U.S. president.  Otherwise Donald, you’re on your own. And it ain’t looking good for the Trump brand right now. Please be advised and thanks for listening.

As to The Rest

Namely, to the Republicans and Democrats: You both made terrible mistakes as well and have been doing so for a long, long time.  But you can also do better before it’s too late!  In fact, you must if our country is to get back on its proper course and survive.  You know what to do: Start by putting the people’s health, education and welfare first, even before your own careers and finances, and the rest will surely follow.  And just that’s the way it is in a real democracy.

Meanwhile, let us remember to carry in our hearts and mind, these instructive words from one of our country’s central founders:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  ~President John Adams, c. 1798

In peace and harmony, let us pray constantly for the preservation of our American democracy!

© Delores L. Adams and The Aunt Jemimah Post 2016. All rights reserved.

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